About Piercing Perfection

About Piercing Perfection

Hello!  My name is Sharon, and I am the sole operator at Piercing Perfection.  

I strongly believe you should do as much research as possible into your piercer, so it’s important that you know a little bit about me and my piercing journey, so here it is.  As with most things in my life, I took the long way round.

I’ve always been fascinated by anatomy and physiology, and as far back as I can remember I was encouraging my friends and cousins to play “nurses” with me, just so I could pretend to inject them or perform operations on them, so it’s not surprising that I would end up in the body modification industry really.

My first ever regular job, age 13, back in the UK, was working every Saturday on a market stall selling fashion jewellery.  It was cheap and cheerful, all very on trend bright fluro designs – typical of the mid 1980’s, and very much sought after as vintage retro now.

The owner of the business offered an ear piercing service, which I took full advantage of, at one point having 13 piercings all the way up my right ear.  She must have thought that having so many piercings somehow qualified me to become the resident piercer, as she presented me with the grubby plastic box containing the permanent marker, alcohol wipes and piercing gun.  I was ecstatic at being gifted this instrument of mutilation (said piercing gun), and naive, under-educated 13 year old me, went on my merry way, blasting holes in all the willing subjects that came my way….not unlike the high street fashion jewellery stores of today! 

My working life since those days has seen me in many varied roles, but most of them being in the “caring” or health care field, working in pharmacy for many years before studying to become a registered nurse and then moving on to social work.  Throughout this time however, I have continued to have a strong interest in body piercing and have strived to grow my skills and knowledge in the theory and practice of skin penetration techniques, thanks in part to many generous people who have willingly offered up their body parts for stabbing.

I began conducting artistic needle play (non permanent piercings for the sake of sensation and/or art, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Play_piercing ) back in 2007, and became a little obsessive about it.  Placing hundreds of needles in someone, in a specific formation, certainly makes you appreciate the need for precision.  

It didn’t take long before I was fulfilling requests from those who were close to me, for permanent piercings, and I started to think more seriously about gaining some official qualifications in the field, and maybe working part time as a body piercer in addition to my job as a social worker.  

Fast forward to 2017, I’d been getting tattooed by Simone at HOUSE OF DAGGERS TATTOO for a number of years, and had chit chatted with varying degrees of seriousness about the need for a body piercer at the studio (my words not hers).  One day as Simone is busy tattooing my upper arm, she calls my bluff and offers me a space in the studio to run my own business, on the proviso that I get my body piercing qualifications.

Before I knew it, I had given my notice at work, sat my body piercing exams and opened up my little business on not much more than a wing and a prayer.

Years later, here I am, working with the most amazing people, and doing what I love.  

I’ll never be able to walk away from “fighting for a cause”.  I’m currently working with SA Health to try and establish a clear code of practice around skin penetration techniques, and the banning of piercing guns.  If you want to know more about the reasons why, please click on this link to find a fantastically informative article written by Sam Escobar https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/anti-aging/a35208/piercing-guns-bad-dangers/

If you’ve stuck with me this far, you are obviously either a complete fruitcake stalker, or you are serious about finding an ethical professional piercer.  I hope I can be that person, and I look forward to making your acquaintance in the near future.

Sharon xx